বৃহস্পতিবার, ৭ এপ্রিল, ২০১১

বি সি এস ইংরেজী (সাহিত্য)

English Literature for BCS Exam

1. The Augustan Age is - 
=1702 - 1745
2. Which period is the period of Renaissance?
3. Which is the age of Chaucer?
4. The Elizabethan period is -
5. The Victorian period is -
=1832 - 1901
6. The Neo-Classical period is -
7. Preparation for the Renaissance was -
8. When does the Modern period begin?
9. The Postmodern period begin?
=After 1939
10. Which is the Romantic period?
11. Anglo-Norman period was -
12. Which is the commonwealth period?
13. Which is the Restoration period?
14. Middle English period was -
15. Anglo-Saxon period/Old English period was -
16. A self-contradictory statement that hides a rational meaning is -
17. Which is the first epic of Anglo-Saxon period?
=Beowulf (Poem)
18. Who is the
Father of English learning?
=Venerable Bade
19. A division of poem is called -
20. Who wrote
=An unknown person
21. Who is the first historian is English literature?
=Venerable Bade
22. How many lines are there in Beowulf?
23. Who is the king of Wassex?
=Alfred the Great
24. Who is the founder of English prose?
25. Explicit comparison between two different things is called-
26. Whose famous work is
‘‘Opus Majus’’? 
=Roger Beacon
27. Who is the author of
‘‘Cor Deas Homo’’?
28. Which is the second period of English literature?
=Anglo-Norman period
29. Roger Beacon was a famous literary person of -
=Anglo-Norman period
30. Who is the father of English poetry?
31. Chaucer
s poetical works are broadly divided into - 
=3 periods
32. A lyric poem or song in praise of a god or hero is called -
33. Who is the author of
the legend of Good Woman?
34. Who were Chaucer
s contemporaries?
=Langland and Wycliff
35. Who translated the Bible into English for the first time?
=John Wycliff
36. An ancient story about gods and goddesses and their mysterious forces is called -
37. Who is the first English Printer?
=William Coxton
38. Who is the
‘‘Father of English prose’’?
=John Wycliff
39. Who established the first English printing press and when?
=William Coxton, 1476
‘‘Renaissance’’ means -
41. Renaissance is ---------- word.
=An Italian
42. Where did the Renaissance start from?
43. Where did the Renaissance begin and when?
=In Italy, 1400 A.D
44. A salient feature of the Renaissance is -
45. Who is the first sonneteer of the English literature?
=Sir Thomas Wyatt
46. A kind of drama that provides sensational entertainment is called -
47. Which is the first English printed anthology (collected works) of English lyrics?
s Miscellany
48. Who wrote
=Sir Thomas Moor
49. Which is the first fruit of the Renaissance?
s Miscellany
50. Sir Thomas Moor was a famous ---- in Renaissance period.
51. Which is known as the golden age of English literature?
=The Elizabethan age
52. The Elizabethan age was replete (supplied) with -
=Songs and lyrics
53. The Elizabethan age is called -
=A nest of singing birds
54. Who is called the poet
s poet?
=Edmond Spencer
55. A short novel usually of thirty or forty thousand words is called -
56. Who wrote
The Ruins of Time?
=Edmond Spencer
57. Which is the first English tragedy?
=Ferrex and Porrex
58. Which is known as
Gorbodue -
=Ferrex and Porrex
59. Whose famous work is the metrical (musical) translation of Homer
s Iliod and Odyssey?
60. Which is the first drama is English literature?
=Ralph Royster Doyster
61. Which is the first tragic drama is English literature?
62. An allegorical story of human characters which teaches a religious moral is called -
63. Who wrote revenged tragedy in English literature for the first time?
=Thomas kyd
64. Who is the greatest dramatist of English literature before Shakespeare?
=Christopher Marlowe
65. Whose comedies are known as comedy of Humorous?
=Ben Johnson
66. Comedy of Humorous is related to -
=Medical Theory
67. How many plays has Shakespeare written?
69. Who is the greatest dramatist of English literature?
70. On which date Shakespeare born and died?
=23rd April
71. Who is called the
‘‘Bird of Avon’’?
72. Who are the university wits?
=Those playwrights who were highly educated in Oxford & Cambridge
73. Francis Bacon was a famous ---- of the university wits.
74. Who is the greatest prose writer of the Elizabethan age?
=Richard Hooker
75. In which year were five writers of the University Wits born?
76. Who used the term
The metaphysical poet?
=John Donne
77. Who is the metaphysical poet?
78. Who is called the
‘‘poet of love’’?
=John Donne
79. Secular (worldly) poets are called -
=Cavalier (inconsiderate, haughty) poets
80. Who is the Cavalier poet?
=Robert Herrick
81. Robert Herrick was a -
82. Who is the most commending prose writer of the
puritan period?
=John Bunyan
83. Who is the greatest writer of the
puritan period?
=John Milton
84. John Milton was called the
‘‘Great master of ----’’
85. Paradise lost is divided into ---- books.
86. The restoration period is related to the king -
=Charles II
87. Who was known as the
Father of Modern English Criticism? 
=John Dryden
88. Who was the most noted poet of the Restoration period before John Dryden?
=Edmond Walter
89. The Augustan period took its name from the name of ----, a Roman king.
90. Who is called the
‘‘dmock heroic poet’’?
=Alexander pope
91. Gulliver
s Travel is the bitterest satire of the ---- century.
92. Who wrote first novel in English literature in 1740?
=Samuel Richardson
93. The first novel of Samuel Richardson is -
94. Who is regarded as the
‘‘Father of English novel’’?
95. Who completed the first English in Dictionary in 1755?
=Dr. Samuel Johnson
96. The first daily in English language is -------
=The Daily Courant
97. The first full-fledged biography in English was
‘‘Life of ---- 
=Dr. Johnson
98. The first theatre in England was established in ----
99. William Blake was a -------
100. Which part of 19th century is regarded as the Romantic period?
=The first half
Lyrical Ballads is a collection of -
=Romantic poems
102. The first English daily newspaper, The Daily Courant, appeared -
=In London in 1702
Supernaturalism is a salient feature of - 
=The Romantic period
104. William Wordsworth is called the
Poet of Nature? Because
=He deals with nature in his poems
105. Who is called the
Poet of childhood and lake poet?
=William Wordsworth
106. When did William Wordsworth become
‘‘Poet of Laureate’’?
=In 1839
107. Who is called the
‘‘Poet of Supernaturalism’’ and ‘‘Opium Eater’’?
108. Who is sometimes called
‘‘Rebel poet’’? 
=Lord Byron
109. Shelley was an ----.
110. Shelley was called the
‘‘---- poet’’
111. John Keats was ----.
112. John Austen was a ----.
=Female novelist
113. Which is written for Shelley
s last beloved Emilia Viviania?
114. Victorian period was marked with -
=Scientific & Techno- logical advancement
115. English Idyll is a collection of varied poems by -
=Alfred Tennyson
117. How many lyrics are found in the poem
‘‘In Memorium’’?
118. Who introduced
Dramatic monologue in his poems? 
=Robert Browning
119. Who was the greatest Victorian novelist?
=Charles Dickens
120. A kind of play in which tragic and comic scenes are mingled is-
121. Whose name is Mary Ann Evans?
=George Eliot
122. Who is the last of the Victorian poet?
=Algernon Charles Swingburne
123. Where was Rudyard Kipling born?
=In India
124. Rudyard Kipling was a -
125. Who was H.G. Wells?
=A great science fiction writer
126. Who is
Eric Btair?
=George Orwell
127. Who translated
‘‘The Gitanjali’’ into English collaboration with Rabindra Nath Tagore? 
=W.B. Yeats
128. Who was the editor of
The Gitanjali’’
=W.B. Yeats
129. S.T. Eliot was born in -
130. G.B. Shaw was -
131. What kinds of play did G.B. Shaw write?
=Problem play
132. Samuel Beckett was ---- origin.
133. What kind of play did Samuel Beckett write?
=Absurd play
134. What is the real name of Mark Twain?
=Samuel Longhorne Elemens
135. Who was
Bertrand Russel?
=An American philosopher
136. Bertrand Russel was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in-
137. Who was regarded as the national poet in America?
=Walt Whitman
Novum Organum is written by - 
=Francis Beacon
The Temple is written by - 
=George Herbert
Hesperieds is written by - 
=Robert Herrick
Paradise Lost/ Paradise Regained is written by - 
=John Milton
Pilgrims Progress is written by - 
=John Bunyan
The Old Bachelor is written by - 
=William Congreve
Robinson Crusoe is written by - 
=Daniel Defoe
The Good Nature Man is written by - 
=Oliver Goldsmith
146. Who wrote
Lyrical Ballads?
=William Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge
Marriage of Heaven and Hell is written by - 
=William Blake
The Excursion is written by - 
=William Wordsworth
Ode on Dejection is written by - 
=S.T. Coleridge
Ode to a Nightingle/ Pride and Prejudice is written by - 
=John Austen
Alastor/ The Sirit of Solitude is written by - 
=Percy Byshe Shelley
Endymion is written by - 
=John keats
Anatomy of Melancholy is written by - 
The Revolt of Islam/ Adonais is written by - 
=P.B. Shelley
Ulyssess/ The Falcon is written by - 
=Alfred Tennyson
Dramatic Monologue is written by - 
=Robert Browning
David Copperfield is written by - 
=Charlea Dickens
The New Arabian Night is written by - 
=R.L. Stevenson
Heart Of Darkness is written by - 
=Joseph Conrad
A Passage to India/ Where Angels Fear to Tread is written by - 
=E.M. Foster
Of Human Bondage is written by - 
=Somerset Maugham
Ulysses is written by - 
=James joyce
Lady Chatterlys Lover/ Woman in Love is written by - 
=D.H. Lawrence
Nineteen Eighty Four is written by - 
=George Orwell
The Heart of the Matter/ The Power and Glory is written by
=Graham Greene
Lord of The Flies is written by - 
=William Golding
The Waste Land is written by - 
=S.T. Eliot
Usura is written by - 
169. Doctor
s Dilemma/ Ceaser and Cleopatra/ Man and Superman is written by 
=G.B. Shaw
End Game is written by - 
=Samuel Beckett
A Farewell ao Arms/ The Old Man and The Sea is written by - 
=Ernest Hemingway
Life an Mississipi is written by - 
=Mark Twain
Moby Dick is written by - 
=Her Man Melville
The Manson is written by - 
=William Faulkner
The Gift of Magi/ Sixes and Sevens is written by - 
Human Knowledge/ Marriage and Morals is written by - 
=Bertrand Russel
Death of a Salesman is written by - 
=Arther Miller
The social contract is written by - 

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